Bike Skills Park Coming to Baird Creek Greenway

A new option for getting kids into cycling is coming to the northeastern Wisconsin area.

The Baird Creek Preservation Foundation (BCPF) announced the full funding of the build portion of the bike skills park project at the Baird Creek Greenway, with the lead donation coming from the partnership of the Saris Foundation and the Hendrickson Family Foundation. Ground breaking for the skills park and trail connection will begin late August 2021. The park will be named the Saris Bike Park at Baird Creek and will be located at 500 Beverly Rd, Green Bay, 54311.

The mission of the Saris Foundation is to create bike parks that will build resiliency and self-confidence in youth, improve skills, and provide an adrenaline-inducing cycling experience. This mission in combination with the growing popularity of mountain bike trails and pump track style courses helped to align our partnership on this project and make it a reality.

“We want to focus on getting kids to be active outside and riding their bikes. Our hope is the bike park will provide an awesome, challenging biking haven that will keep them coming back time and time again. More and more kids, especially older kids and teens, struggle with health and emotional well-being. We are dedicated to doing everything we can to help kids work through these issues they face by changing the scenery, giving them a place to go to do a fun, physical activity like biking. We are truly honored and excited for the opportunity to support the BCPF project in Northeast Wisconsin,” says Ann Christianson, Saris Global Advocacy Manager.  

The popularity of mountain biking and recreational biking opportunities are growing quickly across the nation and the partners in this project are like-minded and sought out new bike features and trail experiences.

“The Wisconsin Bike Fed is proud to have helped in getting this community asset for Northeast Wisconsinites,” said Michelle Bachaus, Community Engagement Manager of the Wisconsin Bike Fed. “We are looking forward to working with local staff to establish youth education opportunities and mobile bike repair, giving youth positive experiences and challenging them so they realize what they are capable of, which will spill over into everyday life,”

The Baird Creek Preservation Foundation is still looking for additional donations for bikes, a shed, and other features that will amplify the experience for underserved youth. If you are interested in learning more about this the Baird Creek Greenway Project, please visit BCPF’s web page about the project at

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