2 More Rides Fall Challenge Weekend in Door County!

We’re excited to announce two more great opportunities to ride with us on Fall Challenge weekend, Sept. 16 – 18, with proceeds going to Friends of Peninsula State Park to support enhancements to bike and ski trails.

We’ll be hosting two recreational rides in Sister Bay Friday evening and Sunday morning, both open exclusively to riders registered for the Fall Challenge.

First, cyclists will meet at Bier Zot in Sister Bay Friday, Sept. 16 at 5 pm for a 25-mile social ride. Registration for the ride is just $5 and includes pizza from Wild Tomato and non-alcoholic beverages after the ride, including samples of Tapuat Kombucha. For those who want to enjoy a beer, Bier Zot offers one of the best craft beer lists in all of Door County, with samples available free for riders.

On Sunday morning, Sept. 18, join route director Fred Bexell and assistant ride director Myles Dannhausen for Bikes and Bloodys at Al Johnson’s Stabbur beer garden. Registration for the ride is also $5.  Join us at 8 am for a 20-mile shake-out ride through Northern Door County, then enjoy coffee and donuts on us after the ride. Plus, Stabbur will offer delicious $5 bloody marys for cyclists.

All proceeds from the rides will be donated to the Friends of Peninsula State Park, a group of volunteers who are crucial to the care and maintenance of the park. The Friends are currently working on enhancing the park’s off-road biking and ski trails.

To register, RSVP via email to Jordan Burress at jordan@peninsulapacers.com, and use the subject line “Fall Challenge Rec Ride,” and list which ride or rides you want to participate in. Payment will be taken Friday evening or Saturday morning at packet pick up for both rides.  If you wish to mail in a check, please include a note of what the check is for and mail to Peninsula Pacers, PO Box 95, Ephraim, WI 54212.

Sister Bay

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“This was the MOST outstanding event ever–beats many events in the U.S. & Europe!”

Brent Finses

“The Northern Door route was great but the food was FANTASTIC!”

Shawn Garvey


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