2017 Aid Station Food Menus

Your 2017 Fall Challenge routes will feature better aid station food than ever before, with featured items at each stop from great Door County restaurants including Wickman House, Fred & Fuzzy’s, Husby’s, Grasse’s Grill, Piggly Wiggly, and Door County Coffee!

Rest stops will be found on all of the routes for riders to stop and fuel up on food and beverages.  Each rest stop is staffed by a Door County non-profit who will be receiving a donation from the ride. Please thank them for their help with the ride and their contributions to community organizations!

When you’re done, you’ll return to Waterfront Park for a gourmet taco bar from Thyme Catering, beer from Door County Brewing Co., unlimited samples from Tapuat Kombucha, and dessert from Seaquist Orchards and the Door County Ice Cream Factory.

Clark Park*

Staffed by:  Gibraltar Boys Soccer
Clark Park, Fish Creek, (Mile 16 of the 50, 62, and 100-mile routes) – Open 7:30am – 9:30 am
Serving: Water, gatorade, bananas, oranges, donut holes & bagels, and Door County Coffee, plus peeled hard-boiled eggs.

Murphy Park*

Staffed by:  Egg Harbor Historical Society
Egg harbor, (Mile 29 of century route),
Open 8:10 am – 10:30 am
Serving: water, gatorade, bananas, oranges, cookies, trail mix, peanut butter pretzels, brat bites from Fred and Fuzzy’s Waterfront Grill. 

Cave Point County Park*

Staffed by:  Sevastopol Music Arts & Theater Guild
Sturgeon Bay, (mile 46 of the century route), Open 8:50 am – 12:00 pm
Serving: Water, gatorade, chopped melon, peanut butter pretzels, veggies and yogurt dip from Grasse’s Grill. 

West Meadow Polka Party *

Staffed by:  Rotary Club Door County North
Baileys Harbor, Corner of West Meadow and Ahrens Road, (mile 64.1 century, 34 Metric Century and 50-mile route, mile 12 of the 25-mile route),
Open 8:30 am – 1:30 pm
Serving:  Water, gatorade, bananas, oranges, subs (turkey & veggie option with cheese) from Piggly Wiggly, cookies, peanut butter pretzels.

Wickman House*

Staffed by:  Friends Of Gibraltar
Ellison Bay, (mile 81 Century, mile 51 Metric)
Open 8:30 am – 3:10 pm
Serving:  Wickman House seasoned roasted local potatoes, Water, gatorade, bananas, oranges, cookies, granola bars, GU

Baptist Church

Staffed by:  Shepherd of the Bay
Ellison Bay (mile 90 century route)
Open 10:30 am – 4 pm
Serving:   Water, gatorade, pineapple chunks, cookies, granola bars, GU, beer cheese soup and soft pretzels from Husby’s Food & Spirits.

*Indicates bike mechanic at rest stop

Post-ride Meal

After your ride, we’ll be serving a post-ride meal from Thyme Catering featuring a gourmet taco bar with pork, chicken, and veggie tacos, rice and beans, and a desert of cherry crisp from Seaquist Orchards and homemade ice cream from the Door County Ice Cream Factory.

You’ll also get unlimited Tapuat Kombucha and one free beer from Door County Brewing Co.


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“This was the MOST outstanding event ever–beats many events in the U.S. & Europe!”

Brent Finses

“The Northern Door route was great but the food was FANTASTIC!”

Shawn Garvey


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